Lower Level 155 Highway 20 E, Stoney Creek, Ontario

This residential home in Stoney Creek, Ontario, was on the real estate market for 82 days and sold for asking price. Become a preferred client with Burloak or contact one of our agents to learn the sold price on Lower Level 155 Highway 20 E Stoney Creek.

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Sell your Stoney Creek Property with Burloak

Are you thinking of selling a home or condo? Let us put you in touch with a REALTOR® that specializes in the Stoney Creek real estate market. At Burloak, we are here to help with all of your real estate needs.

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    You've indicated that you are currently working with a REALTOR®. Please be advised that TRESA 2002 and supporting Rules and Regulations, restricts the amount of information that we are able to provide to you as a client of another Brokerage or REALTOR®. Therefore, any further information must be sought directly from your current REALTOR®.

    Copyright 2024. REALTORS® Association of Hamilton-Burlington (RAHB)

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      Are you under contract with a real estate agent or REALTOR®?


      You've indicated that you are currently working with a REALTOR®. Please be advised that TRESA 2002 and supporting Rules and Regulations, restricts the amount of information that we are able to provide to you as a client of another Brokerage or REALTOR®. Therefore, any further information must be sought directly from your current REALTOR®.

      Where is the property located you want to "sell"?